Performance Evaluation for 5G NR Based MM Wave MIMO Systems

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Performance Evaluation for 5G NR Based MM Wave MIMO Systems

The detection of a human face from images plays a vital role in Computer vision, cognitive science, and Forensic Science. The various computational and mathematical models, for classifying face including Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Dominant Rotated Local Binary Pattern (DRLBP) have been proposed yields better performance. This paper proposes a novel method of classifying the human face using Haar. This is done by pre-processing the face image at first and then extracting the face features. Then the detection of human faces is done using Haar.

Performance Evaluation for 5G NR Based MM Wave MIMO Systems


  • Appearance-based methods involve LDA
  • Geometric methods.


  • In appearance-based methods, less accurate features description because of whole image consideration
  • In geometric-based methods, geometric features like the distance between eyes, face length, width, etc., are considered which do not provide optimal results


  • Neural networks
  • Feature Extraction
  • Haar cascades classifier


Performance Evaluation for 5G NR

Performance Evaluation for 5G NR Based MM Wave MIMO Systems


  • Preprocessing and Normalization
  • Haar cascades classifier
  • Neural networks


  • Detecting accuracy is high due to extracting local features of the image
  • The geometric features like the distance between eyes, face length, and width, etc., are considered which provide high optimal results


  • Queue forming
  • People counting




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  3. Daubechies. I, (1990)? The wavelet transform time-frequency localization and signal analysis?, IEEE Trans. Information Theory.
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  5. Liement,(16th July 2003)?Fast Face Detection Using AdaBoost?.

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