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Top 100+ MATLAB Projects

Top 100+ MATLAB Projects

What is MATLAB

MATLAB is a high-level programming language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization and programming. Top 100+ MATLAB Projects provides an interactive environment with hundreds of built-in functions for technical computing, graphics, and animations.

Top 100+ MATLAB Projects

  1. Brain Controlled Robot
  2. Tamil character recognition using Deep learning
  3. Distance measurement using Image processing
  4. Intelligent Baby Monitoring System using Image Processing
  5. Multimodal Biometric Recognition system
  6. MATLAB Code for Finger print recognition
  7. MATLAB Code for Image Encryption
  8. MATLAB Code for Vein Detection System
  9. MATLAB Code for Head Pose Recognition
  10. MATLAB Code for Segmentation based on Skin Color
  11. Real Time Bar Code Recognition using MATLAB
  12. MATLAB Code for Shape Recognition using Correlation
  13. MATLAB Code for Coin Recognition using Image Processing
  14. Flowers classification using Transfer Learning
  15. Corner Detection using Image Processing
  16. Gender Recognition using Image Processing
  17. MATLAB Code for Image Thresholding
  18. Region growing segmentation using MATLAB
  19. Image Segmentation using Snake Algorithm
  20. Image Segmentation using Morphological Operations
  21. Image Denoising using Pretrained Neural Network-MATLAB
  22. Image Deblocking using Deep Learning
  23. Scene Change Detection using MATLAB
  24. Object Detection in a Cluttered Scene
  25. Digit Classification Using HOG Features
  26. Image Registration using MATLAB
  27. Video Tracking using Optical Flow
  28. Video Tracking using Kalman Filter
  29. Image Category Classification using Deep Learning
  30. MATLAB Code for Landmark Recognition using Deep Learning
  31. MATLAB Code for Depth Estimation using Image Processing
  32. MATLAB Code for Logo Recognition
  33. Vehicle Identification Using Deep learning for ADAS
  34. MATLAB Code for Wavelet Denoising
  35. MATLAB code for pothole detection using Image processing
  36. MATLAB code for Watershed Segmentation
  37. MATLAB Code for Real time QR Code recognition
  38. MATLAB for Image Super Resolution

      Brain Controlled Robot

      Brain controlled Robot uses BCI (Brain Computer Interface) technology, to monitoring Brainwaves and developing brain applications. It is a device that measures electrical activity in the brain and transforms it into a synthetic output that can replace, restore or enhance natural function.

      Tamil character recognition using Deep learning

      The classification of Tamil character recognition using deep learning  classify characters in Tamil and a south Indian language into different classes. This knowledge needs to be transferred to computers for automatic character recognition.

      Distance measurement using Image processing

      The technique is about measuring the distance measurement using image processing between vehicles to vehicles. The systems can be compared with data stored in the database as a reference.

      Intelligent Baby Monitoring System using Image Processing

      Intelligent baby monitoring system using image processing using image processing is used for proper safety and monitoring the activity of baby. The system detects the movement, crying and present position of the baby.

      Multimodal Biometric Recognition system

      Multimodal biometric recognition system is the usage of multiple biometric indicators by personal identification systems for identifying individuals.

      MATLAB Code for Finger print recognition

      MATLAB code for fingerprint print recognition is a widely used Biometric Identification mechanism. It is used minutiae-based representation to utilize a significant component of the rich discriminatory information available in the fingerprints.

      MATLAB Code for Image Encryption

      The experimental result shows the proposed algorithm can successfully encrypt images with separate secret keys, and the algorithm has a good  MATLAB code for image encryption effect. It provides an additional level of security to public key algorithm and efficient utilization of memory.

      MATLAB Code for Vein Detection System

      It aims developing a system for acquiring images of finger veins and processing them using  MATLAB code for vein detection system authentication. This includes i.e.; designing hardware for image acquisition, coding the matching algorithm for processing the finger vein pattern and testing of algorithm module.

      MATLAB Code for Head Pose Recognition

      It provides annotated MATLAB code for head pose recognition in the process and generate a realistic dataset by rendering techniques, in which it considers the variation of gender, age, race and expression.

      MATLAB Code for Segmentation based on Skin Color

      The MATLAB code for segmentation based on skin color regions from an image is done by using different color models. Skin regions are separated from the image by using thresholding. It is tested by using human face features based on knowledge of the geometrical properties of a human face.

      Real Time Bar Code Recognition using MATLAB

      The real time barcode recognition using MATLAB performs a search on some selected rows of the input image. The pixels are marked with a feature value and the sequences of patterns are analyzed. It identifies the guard patterns and symbols by sequence and location.

      MATLAB Code for Shape Recognition using Correlation

      It is embedded in a cluttered background and the  MATLAB code for shape recognition using correlation is corrupted by additive sensor noise. The designed filters are used to detect the target in an input scene modeled by the nonoverlapping signal model.

      MATLAB Code for Coin Recognition using Image Processing

      The various techniques of MATLAB code for coin recognition using image processing systems in respective terms of accuracy. It focused on different coin recognition approaches based on the image recognition method.

      Flowers classification using Transfer Learning

      Flower classification using transfer learning classification is based on low-level features to define and describe the image content. It analyzes the classification of performance of the dataset using transfer learning.

      Corner Detection using Image Processing

      It is analyzed and calculated, which shows that an improved algorithm acquires better efficiency and accuracy in corner detection using image processing. The points are calculated and compared with the set threshold value to certify the real corner.

      Gender Recognition using Image Processing

      It is used extensively in several problems domains. Automated gender recognition using image processing classification is an area of great significance and has great potential for future research. It offers several industrial applications i.e.; monitoring, surveillance, commercial profiling and human computer interaction.

      MATLAB Code for Image Thresholding

      MATLAB code for image thresholding is a simple and effective, way of partitioning an image into a foreground and background. Its analysis of image segmentation isolates objects by converting them into binary images. It is most effective in images with high levels of contrast.

      Region growing segmentation using MATLAB

      Region growing segmentation using MATLAB is a popularly used algorithm is active contour, which examines neighboring pixels of initial seed points and determines whether the pixel should be added to the region.

      Image Segmentation using Snake Algorithm

      Image segmentation using snake algorithm, specify the initial curves on an image. It is required to segment the medical images. It is the process of separating required information from data for further processing.

      Image Segmentation using Morphological Operations

      Image segmentation using morphological operations is to extract various features that are used for analyzing, interpreting and understanding images. It is applied in various applications i.e.; medical imaging, shape detection, content-based image retrieval, robot vision.

      Image Denoising using Pretrained Neural Network-MATLAB

      It is a step by investigating the construction of feed-forward denoising using neural networks to embrace the progress i.e.; deep architecture, learning algorithm, and regularization method into image denoising using pretrained neural network.

      Image Deblocking using Deep Learning

      The technique that involves applying a image deblocking using deep learning filter is to enhance the visual nature of a picture by diminishing the blocking artifacts. The deblocking using deep learning calculation gives a strategy to expel the ancient rarities by smoothing the sharp edges of a picture.

      Scene Change Detection using MATLAB

      It is an process of detecting scene change detection using MATLAB in videos and automatically splitting the video into separate clips. It is tested on suitable video sequences resembling real-world videos to several different motion features and provide good performance without requiring an increase in decoder complexity.

      Object Detection in a Cluttered Scene

      The algorithm for detecting a specific object detection in a cluttered scene is based on finding correspondences between reference and the target image. It can detect objects despite a scale change or in-plane rotation.

      Digit Classification using HOG Features

      A labeled dataset with images of the desired object. It is an efficient image appearance feature based on approach which processes the acquired digit classification using HOG features.

      Image Registration using MATLAB

      Image registration using MATLAB is a technique used to align multiple scenes into a single integrated image. It helps to overcome issues i.e.; image rotation, scale, and skew that are common of overlaying images.

      Video Tracking using Optical Flow

      Video tracking using optical flow is a pattern of apparent motion of objects, surfaces, and edges in a visual scene caused by the relative motion between an observer and a scene.

      Video Tracking using Kalman Filter 

      It is a system is to detect the moving objects in the video and track detected object. It has been done of simple background subtraction and tracking single moving object using the video tracking using kalman filter.

      Image Category Classification using Deep Learning

      In this image category classification using deep learning project, images are classified using a multiclass linear SVM trained with features extracted from the images. It is an easy way to leverage the power without investing time and effort to use the pretrained as a feature extractor

      MATLAB Code for Landmark Recognition using Deep Learning

      To continue advancing state of the art in computer vision and many researchers are now putting more focus on fine-grained and instance-level  MATLAB code for land recognition using deep learning problems

      MATLAB Code for Depth Estimation using Image Processing 

      The accuracy of the MATLAB code for depth estimation using image processing has been improved by using deep learning neural networks. It exist inherent ambiguities in recovering 3D from a single 2D image.

      MATLAB Code for Logo Recognition 

      Logo assist in brand identification and recognition. It incorporates logos in advertising, documentation materials, and promotions.  MATLAB code for logo recognition in image processing was developed to recognize under various conditions and camera motions.

      Vehicle Identification using Deep learning for ADAS 

      The vehicle identification using deep learning for ADAS is implemented for ADAS system. It is a method of vehicle data set and optimize the success rate by providing efficient results for vehicle detection by testing the trained vehicle detector on the test data.

      MATLAB Code for Wavelet Denoising 

      Discrete MATLAB code for wavelet denoising is used to denoise the geoelectrical resistivity data. It is suitable for applying vertical electrical sounding data. The optimum performance is obtained and result is investigated under several constraints.

      MATLAB code for pothole detection using Image processing 

      MATLAB code for pothole detection using image processing based on clustering image segmentation methods is implemented for the better results. It is to identify a better method i.e.; highly efficient and accurate compared to conventional methods.

      MATLAB code for Watershed Segmentation 

      It is a method of region-based approach to the segmentation of an image. The MATLAB code for watershed segmentation transform has been widely used in the fields of image processing, including medical image segmentation.

      MATLAB Code for Real time QR Code recognition 

      MATLAB for real time QR code recognition performs a scan line as it is analyzed per pixel marked by feature. It is marked with a feature value and the sequences of patterns are analyzed. It identifies the guard patterns, symbols by sequence and location.

      MATLAB for Image Super Resolution

      It aims to give a survey on MATLAB for image super-resolution techniques systematically using deep learning approaches. It covers some important issues, publicly available benchmark datasets and performance evaluation metrics.

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