Digital Tachometer using Raspberry Pi

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Digital Tachometer using Raspberry Pi – The tachometer is a device that measures the rotational speed of any shaft or disc. The unit of the measurement is usually revolutions per minute or RPM. The traditional method of measuring the RPM of a rotating shaft was based on the velocity feedback concept where a dc generator is hooked to the rotating shaft so that the voltage induced across the generator’s terminals is proportional to the speed of the shaft. Today, we are going to make a digital tachometer based on a Raspberry Pi that requires no physical contact with the rotating shaft to measure its rotational speed. The physical contact is avoided by using an optical detection technique that requires an infrared light-emitting diode in conjunction with a photo-detecting diode. Raspberry pi is a single-board computer that we are using to calculate the speed which is programmed using Python. This tachometer can measure speeds up to without being in contact with the shaft. The result is shown on a web page using a small network area.


The idea behind this is to make a system to measure the speed of the shaft using the IR sensor. The contact with the rotating shaft is avoided with an optical sensing mechanism that uses an infrared (IR) light-emitting diode and a photo-detecting diode. The IR LED transmits an infrared light towards the rotating disc and the photo-detecting diode receives the reflected light beam. This way it can measure the speed. If the surface is bright black color is used and if the surface is dull then a white color is used to measure the speed using the IR sensor. A small network is used to make display the speed on the webpage.


In the existing system, the traditional method of measuring RPM of a rotating shaft was based on the velocity feedback concept where a dc generator is hooked to the rotating shaft so that the voltage induced across the generator’s terminals is proportional to the speed of the shaft.


In this proposed system, we are going to make a digital tachometer based on a Raspberry Pi that requires no physical contact with the rotating shaft to measure its rotational speed. The physical contact is avoided by using an optical detection technique that requires an infrared light-emitting diode in conjunction with a photo-detecting diode


Digital Tacometer
Digital Tachometer



Digital Tacometer 2
Digital Tachometer 2


Object Sorting based on color using Raspb 2


  • In this project, the IR Sensor module is used which will act as the tachometer.
  • Similarly, a DC motor with high speed is used to calculate the RPM.
  • The speed is displayed on the web page using a small server.
  • Connect power supply for Raspberry pi
  • Plug the HDMI cable in Raspberry pi from the monitor using VGA to HDMI converter cable
  • Connect USB Mouse and USB keyboard to the Raspberry pi


  • Raspberry Pi
  • IR Module
  • SD card
  • Monitor


  • Raspbian Jessie
  • Language: Linux
  • Python


A digital tachometer based on an infrared light reflection technique has been demonstrated successfully. Its major advantage is that it doesn’t require any physical contact with the rotating shaft to measure its speed. This project can be extended further by adding a data logging feature to it. This is required in certain applications where the RPM of a rotating shaft is needed to be monitored. The data logger will keep the records of varying RPM over time, and those records can be later transferred to a PC through the USB interface.

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