Image Segmentation using Morphological Operations

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Image Segmentation using Morphological Operations


Image Segmentation plays vital role in Computer Vision and Digital Image Processing. It is the process of separating the digital image into distinct region(s) possessing homogeneous properties.

The main objective of image segmentation is to extract various features of the image that are used for analyzing, interpretation and understanding of images. Image segmentation is applied in various applications like medical imaging, shape detection, content-based image retrieval, robot vision, etc.

Several techniques have been developed for image segmentation such as pixel-based segmentation, edge based segmentation and region based segmentation.

In this paper, segmentation technique is defined using the edge detection and morphological operations.

Edge detection is done using Fuzzy Canny method for better output. After detecting the edges of image, segmentation is done using morphological operation. This gives better results. Image Segmentation using Morphological Operations

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