Closed Loop Control for A DC DC SEPIC Converter

SKU: PAN_PE_162 Category:


Closed Loop Control for A DC-DC SEPIC Converter


In this paper, a closed-loop control scheme for DC-DC SEPIC converter that realizes regulated dc output voltages is discussed in detail. The converter equations corresponding to different modes of operation of the converter are developed. the controller using the loop shaping method is systematically developed. Simulations studies are carried out to confirm the effectiveness of the suggested control strategy under large perturbations.

Closed Loop Control for A DC DC SEPIC Converter


In the previous system, the output voltage is not controlled. It is an open-loop DC-DC converter. It has a large number of voltage variations compared to the proposed system. There is no control block in the existing system. Losses of the system. Depends upon the load controlled by the voltage.


The proposed topology solves the all problems in the previous system. The proposed topology has a closed-loop function with the PI algorithm technique. This technique is used to control the output voltage. This proposed system gives a regulated output and increases output efficiency.


a closed-loop control


Closed Loop Control Scheme For A DC DC SEPIC Converter 3


  • Input supply:- AC
    • Driver circuit: -It can be used to amplify the 5V pulses to 12V using transistor technology and provided isolations for using an optocoupler. It has two functions,
      • Amplification
      • Isolation
      • Pulse generator:? Here we have used a PIC microcontroller (PIC 16F877A) to make a switching signal.


  • High efficiency.
  • Reducing the commutation losses
  • Higher static gain
  • Reducing the converter duty cycle and the switch voltage.
  • Decided output due to close loop


  • SMPS
  • Solar panel
  • Portable electronic equipment


In the present paper, the modes of operation of the DC-DCSEPIC converter have been analyzed. The open-loop response obtained for the model is found to be oscillatory and also has a finite steady-state error. Hence, to obtain a satisfying response a proportional-integral controller is systematically developed whose specifications are attained by the loop shaping method. The controller gain values obtained so are used in the closed-loop control scheme of SEPIC. Simulation results highlight the effectiveness of the closed-loop control strategy.

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